Tuesday, 14 May 2019

 Image result for The joy of friendship
A friend in time of need
Is a friend indeed
A friend that sticks close
Closer than a brother does

A true friend is a treasure
One that brings our hearts pleasure
Like the rare ruby, he's dear to us
A pricey pearl so precious

He is there to our troubles share
Always concerned about our welfare
He is kind, careful and candid
One trustworthy in every bid

His heart overflows with love and care
Our weary hearts to cheer
With sweet, soft speech healing hurt
His gentle touch brings us comfort

Communicating with dexterity
Great warmth and empathy
In days bleak, when we're weak
With a heart mild and meek

Searching for a true friend today?
Then ask God to bring him your way
And as your mind paints a perfect effigy
Think of it, you can a true friend be!
Copyright 2019 by Benjamin Anabaraonye 
All rights reserved
Reflections by Benjamin:
 What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear 
There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No,not one

      Your beautiful comments, testimonies, and suggestions are welcome.Thanks for stopping by!